Gustav Peichl, leading Austrian postmodernist, built one of IBA's biggest buildings, the OWA / phosphate elimination facility. We'll have the unique chance to have an inside view to this ample fenced off areal. The head of the OWA will guides us through.
Because the number of participants is restricted to 15, we kindly ask for an immediate response to sveneggers(at)buero-schwimmer(dot)de
meeting point:S-Bahn station Tegel
time: Saturday, September 29, 2012. 2 pm
costs: 14 euros, reduced 7
Second Tegel tour into a chapel by Fehling & Gogel and Bruno Taut's Freie Scholle.

Phosphateliminierungsanlage, a device to clean the highly poluted Havel from phosphate.
photos: Sven Eggers

Of IBA Tegel we'll see houses by Ch. Moore, St. Tigerman, P. Portoghesi, and John Hejduk's House of the Quadroplets
> other architecture tours